A Minor Skirmish in the Endless War Between Good and Evil

No one told him to be punctual, but there sat Grimp, Demon of the Third Circle, five minutes early. The kid hadn't even been born, but hey, traffic and all, and you never knew.

"Any ETA on that lady?" it asked the nurse. "I thought they were going to induce."

The nurse just shook her head. "I guess they're going natural."

"Pisses me off," growled Grimp, but there wasn't much it could do about it.

In the next town over, the actual target of Grimp, a nondescript baby who would one day defeat Satan's latest plan named Joe, was being born, but due to a mixup with forms, he was being born a girl whose parents would name her Sally. Grimp didn't know this.

Eventually, after what seemed like hours, the nurse finally let Grimp into the delivery room, where it raised its ceremonial dagger. "Take that, Joe Hildermink!" it cried, plunging the dagger into the baby. It ignored the panicked shrieking from the parents, nodded cordially to the nurse, and vanished in a gout of fire.

Twenty years later, in the front line of the battle to claim Cleveland for the forces of darkness, no one in the horde expected Sally Green. Odd how things work out.

The nurse went back to her coffee. She had served her dark master faithfully and well. Her story is much more interesting than this one, full of sex and violence, but most stories are, and you get what you get.

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